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A Re-joined Milanese Twelfth-Century Bible: Mss. B 27 inf. and D 532 inf. of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana
go to the article » pag. 17-31
go to the article » pag. 17-31
Investigating the Origins of the Illustration of the Decretum Gratiani: Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque de l'Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer, 454
go to the article » pag. 32-43
go to the article » pag. 32-43
A Little-known Thirteenth-century French Bible in the University Library of Bologna
go to the article » pag. 44-54
go to the article » pag. 44-54
Salvum me fac deus. Une femme, un psautier-bréviaire : lecture iconographique d'un manuscrit bâlois du XIIIe siècle (Saint-Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 402)
go to the article » pag. 55-67
go to the article » pag. 55-67
Mythology, History, and Literature in Neapolitan Book Illustration at the End of the Reign of Joanna I of Anjou: the Master of the Genealogiae deorum (British Library, Add. 57529)
go to the article » pag. 68-82
go to the article » pag. 68-82
Italian Manuscripts in the New Cataloguing Project of the Latin Medieval Codices at the SUB-Göttingen: Specifications and New Discoveries
go to the article » pag. 83-94
go to the article » pag. 83-94
Bajo el signo de Flandes: Libros de Horas iluminados en la Corona de Aragón
go to the article » pag. 95-108
go to the article » pag. 95-108
Additions to the Morgan Master's Corpus: The Illuminated Leaf from the Doge's Commission of Antonio Bragadin as podestà of Brescia
go to the article » pag. 124-138
go to the article » pag. 124-138
IL MESSALE ROSSELLI (Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, D.I.21)
Atti della Giornata di studi interdisciplinari (Torino, 23 novembre 2017)
go to the article » pag. 143-199
go to the article » pag. 143-199