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Ferrara e Roma. Agucchi e alcuni ritratti rinascimentali
Ferrara e Roma. Agucchi e alcuni ritratti rinascimentali
Andrea G.De Marchi
ISBN: 8870384160
119 pag.
cm 28,5x21,5 ill. col. 21, b/n50
year 2004
price: € 38
special price: € 15
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The recent and significant studies by Andrea G. De Marchi focus on 15th century Ferrara, and trace the Este collections to Rome were they were brought by the Aldobrandini family and catalogued by Cardinal Agucchi. A close and thorough study of Agucchi's method of attribution, lead De Marchi to important art historical findings including the only documented portrait of Dosso Dossi, but also allowed the author to make minor but fundamental discoveries