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Il restauro dei materiali lapidei vol. II
Volume II
Maria Cristina Improta
ISBN: 9788870385243
year 2013
price: € 20
Shortly following the release of the first volume, the series is enriched by a second volume on the restoration of stone materials, dedicated particularly to expanding upon the scientific aspects of the interventions.
Maria Cristina Improta
Director of the Department of the Restoration of Stone Materials
On the state of conservation of the sandstone making up the stone facing of the Palazzetto della
Fraternita dei Laici of Arezzo
Mara Camaiti, Fabio Fratini, Carlo Manganelli Del Fą, Ugo Matteoli, Elena Pecchioni
The facade of Palazzo Vecchio: an emergency maintenance intervention
Giancarlo Lanterna, Laura Lucchesi, Mauro Matteini, Arcangelo Moles, Ugo Muccini
The patina of the Fonte Gaia of Siena. Studies and comparisons with products of natural formation and of similar syntheses
Andrea Bralia, Mauro Matteini, Arcangelo Moles, Giuseppe Sabatini
Donatello's Pulpit at the Cathedral of Prato: scientific investigations on its state of conservation and on past treatments with fluosilicates
Mauro Matteini, Arcangelo Moles, Maria Rosa Nepoti, Isetta Tosini
Scientific investigations for the study of the marble surface of
Apollo and Daphne
by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Alfredo Aldrovandi, Mauro Matteini, Arcangelo Moles, Ulderico Santamaria,Giuseppina Vigliano
with an essay by Kristina Herrmann Fiore
Artificial oxalates in the conservation of wall paintings and of stonework of a calcareous nature
Mauro Matteini
The solvent action of Bi-EDTA and tetrasodium in regards to gypsum and calcium oxalate in the cleaning of calcareous objects
Maria Rizzi, Mauro Matteini
The facade of Palazzo Rucellai: a restoration project revising a previous intervention
Annamaria Giusti, Carlo Lalli, Giancarlo Lanterna, Mauro Matteini
God the Father
by Baccio Bandinelli: foundations and techniques of protection treatment and artificial calcium oxalate of a marble sculpture
Angelita Mairani, Mauro Matteini, Maria Rizzi
Evaluation of the efficacy of the utilization of microorganisms for the bioremoval of black crusts from stone materials and an in-depth look at the applicable methodologies
Eleonora Gioventł, Paola Franca Lorenzi
The restoration of
from the sculptural series on the basin of the Island in the Boboli Gardens.
The removal of the biomass: critical revision of the efficacy of certain biocides
Alessandro Cecchi, Giuseppe Onesti, Maria Rizzi, Franca Sorella, Isetta Tosini
Il restauro dei materiali lapidei
Maria Cristina Improta
il Restauro del Mosaico e del Commesso in Pietre Dure