The considerations presented here arise from the discovery of an unpublished document relating to the death of Jacopino da Tradate in the registers of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano. Contrary to what has hitherto been believed, the sculptor had already died on 1 April 1433, the date when the treasurer of the Fabbrica del Duomo received money “ab heredibus quondam magistri Jacobini de Tradate”. The proof of Jacopino's death prior to 1433 inevitably prompts a reconsideration of the modern reconstruction of his activity, which some studies even claim lasted to the mid-1460s.
Embellishing window 25 in the north transept of Milan cathedral are two sculptures, virtually ignored by scholars, that testify to the artist's final phase on the building site, during which he was flanked by apprentices whom, as the famous contract of 1415 states, he had raised and educated: a 'Saint Pope', identified by Ugo Nebbia as Pope Alexander V, and a 'Saint Galdino'. These works are precedents for another important sculpture dated 1438 and still in situ in the same window depicting 'Saint Francis receiving the stigmata'. It is thought that the latter may be assigned to Giovanni di Valdemagna, a homo novus for critical studies, probably among the pupils of Jacopino da Tradate and to whom a 'Saint Stephen' datable to around 1419 could also be attributed.
Embellishing window 25 in the north transept of Milan cathedral are two sculptures, virtually ignored by scholars, that testify to the artist's final phase on the building site, during which he was flanked by apprentices whom, as the famous contract of 1415 states, he had raised and educated: a 'Saint Pope', identified by Ugo Nebbia as Pope Alexander V, and a 'Saint Galdino'. These works are precedents for another important sculpture dated 1438 and still in situ in the same window depicting 'Saint Francis receiving the stigmata'. It is thought that the latter may be assigned to Giovanni di Valdemagna, a homo novus for critical studies, probably among the pupils of Jacopino da Tradate and to whom a 'Saint Stephen' datable to around 1419 could also be attributed.
Ireneu Visa Guerrero
The retablo of Saint Eulalia by the 'Master of Privileges' and 'Italianate' painting in Majorca in the early 14th century
read abstract » pp. 3-51
read abstract » pp. 3-51
Luca Quattrocchi
Guttuso between Sartre and De Sica: Drawings for the Film Adaptation of The Condamned of Altona
read abstract » pp. 52-70
read abstract » pp. 52-70
Jacopo Tabolli
A Fragment for the Repertoire of Figurative Decorations on Incised Impasto: a Ship from Montalcino
read abstract » pp. 71-73
read abstract » pp. 71-73
Gabriella Cirucci
The So-called 'Stele del Palestrita' in the Vatican Museums. Fragments of an Historical Itinerary
read abstract » pp. 74-83
read abstract » pp. 74-83
Roberto Bartalini
“A place seen in a dream”. The restoration, a recent book and some annotations on the reliquary of San Galgano, known as the Frosini reliquary
read abstract » pp. 84-97
read abstract » pp. 84-97
Gigliola Gorio
An ante quem for the death of Jacopino da Tradate and an insight into his workshop
read abstract » pp. 98-106
read abstract » pp. 98-106
Francesco Caglioti
A Donatellian 'Madonna' deserving restoration in Terranuova Bracciolini
read abstract » pp. 107-113
read abstract » pp. 107-113
Rosanna De Gennaro
On the Terracotta of Bonarcado and its Author: Alonso Berruguete?
read abstract » pp. 134-143
read abstract » pp. 134-143
Domiziana Pelati
“Per quella ammistà ch'ebbero fra di lor sempre le penne e i pennelli”. About the paintings of Camillo Gavassetti inspired by subjects from Torquato Tasso
read abstract » pp. 154-166
read abstract » pp. 154-166
Felice Mastrangelo
Agostino Cornacchini: an unpublished autobiography and various clarifications on his early activity in Rome
read abstract » pp. 167-180
read abstract » pp. 167-180